Do you feel ignored?

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Well, I had a weird thing happen last night - Steve Martin stuck his tongue in my ear and told me he writes for 9 hours a day. 🤨

You know who Steve Martin is - the late comedian who once said, in response to an interview question "How do you become a famous comedian?"

He said:

Be so good they can't ignore you.

I can NOT explain the tongue in the ear but I can explain the appearance of Steve Martin in my dream.

Because lately I've been pondering how to level up to get noticed more.

From the beginning, I've been teaching business owners like you how to take more professional selfies to use in your marketing. I teach you how to do this with your smartphone, because for most people (who aren't photographers), your smartphone is your main camera.

I've created all of my personal branding images with my smartphone, and one of the reasons for that is I want to demonstrate what's possible with the techniques I teach, and the tool you have in your handbag.

I demonstrate my techniques and this gives me credibility. But it also makes me relatable.

But lately I've felt such a HUGE pull towards using my professional camera to create my personal branding images. I've stopped myself in the past as I've always wanted to teach you smartphone skills and techniques - because the tool is so accessible.

But Steve Martin reminded me - if I want to get noticed, I need to level up. It's ok for me to go all out in creating epic content - even if sometimes, the tools I use are inaccessible to my audience. If that is the next level, then that's where I should be - I can still teach you how to use your smartphone to create epic personal branding images, while exploring and sharing what's possible with a pro-level camera.

The techniques - styling, set design, posing - are the same. I'm just up on that next level exploring new landscapes (or rather, self portraits!).

The good news for you is that there will likely be trainings on this in the future. But for now...

Here's the lesson for you Reader:

While you're relatable and can demonstrate the benefits of the techniques you teach, or the services you provide - are you focusing on that next level to some degree?

Ask yourself what that next level is, and how can you be exploring it right now?

Moving up a level helps you, but it also shows your customers what's possible for them. It doesn't make you unrelatable.

So Reader, how can YOU be so good your ideal customers can't ignore you?

Speaking of being hard to ignore - it helps if you are using all of the opportunities available to you, to promote your business! Have you watched the latest workshop yet? It's FREE and you are guaranteed to walk away with multiple actions to organically promote your business using your personal branding photos.

Watch the replay here:

video preview

If you don't have recently personal branding photos to use, don't worry! Take my Pro Selfies Masterclass and refresh your brand headshots today! But sign up today if you're not already a student, as the price of this workshop will be increasing to $67 USD soon.

Grab it while it's still $37 here:

Pro Selfies Masterclass

Ngā mihi,

Peti xox

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